Kernel Korner - The New Work Queue Interface in the 2.6 Kernel

by Robert Love

For most UNIX systems, Linux included, device drivers typically divide the work of processing interrupts into two parts or halves. The first part, the top half, is the familiar interrupt handler, which the kernel invokes in response to an interrupt signal from the hardware device. Unfortunately, the interrupt handler is true to its name: it interrupts whatever code is executing when the hardware device issues the interrupt. That is, interrupt handlers (top halves) run asynchronously with respect to the currently executing code. Because interrupt handlers interrupt already executing code (whether it is other kernel code, a user-space process or even another interrupt handler), it is important that they run as quickly as possible.

Worse, some interrupt handlers (known in Linux as fast interrupt handlers) run with all interrupts on the local processor disabled. This is done to ensure that the interrupt handler runs without interruption, as quickly as possible. More so, all interrupt handlers run with their current interrupt line disabled on all processors. This ensures that two interrupt handlers for the same interrupt line do not run concurrently. It also prevents device driver writers from having to handle recursive interrupts, which complicate programming. If interrupts are disabled, however, other interrupt handlers cannot run. Interrupt latency (how long it takes the kernel to respond to a hardware device's interrupt request) is a key factor in the performance of the system. Again, the speed of interrupt handlers is crucial.

To facilitate small and fast interrupt handlers, the second part or bottom half of interrupt handling is used to defer as much of the work as possible away from the top half and until a later time. The bottom half runs with all interrupts enabled. Therefore, a running bottom half does not prevent other interrupts from running and does not contribute adversely to interrupt latency.

Nearly every device driver employs bottom halves in one form or another. The device driver uses the top half (the interrupt handler) to respond to the hardware and perform any requisite time-sensitive operations, such as resetting a device register or copying data from the device into main memory. The interrupt handler then marks the bottom half, instructing the kernel to run it as soon as possible, and exits.

In most cases, then, the real work takes place in the bottom half. At a later point—often as soon as the interrupt handler returns—the kernel executes the bottom half. Then the bottom half runs, performing all of the remaining work not carried out by the interrupt handler. The actual division of work between the top and bottom halves is a decision made by the device driver's author. Generally, device driver authors attempt to defer as much work as possible to the bottom half.

Confusingly, Linux offers many mechanisms for implementing bottom halves. Currently, the 2.6 kernel provides softirqs, tasklets and work queues as available types of bottom halves. In previous kernels, other forms of bottom halves were available; they included BHs and task queues. This article deals with the new work queue interface only, which was introduced during the 2.5 development series to replace the ailing keventd part of the task queue interface.

Introducing Work Queues

Work queues are interesting for two main reasons. First, they are the simplest to use of all the bottom-half mechanisms. Second, they are the only bottom-half mechanism that runs in process context; thus, work queues often are the only option device driver writers have when their bottom half must sleep. In addition, the work queue mechanism is brand new, and new is cool.

Let's discuss the fact that work queues run in process context. This is in contrast to the other bottom-half mechanisms, which all run in interrupt context. Code running in interrupt context is unable to sleep, or block, because interrupt context does not have a backing process with which to reschedule. Therefore, because interrupt handlers are not associated with a process, there is nothing for the scheduler to put to sleep and, more importantly, nothing for the scheduler to wake up. Consequently, interrupt context cannot perform certain actions that can result in the kernel putting the current context to sleep, such as downing a semaphore, copying to or from user-space memory or non-atomically allocating memory. Because work queues run in process context (they are executed by kernel threads, as we shall see), they are fully capable of sleeping. The kernel schedules bottom halves running in work queues, in fact, the same as any other process on the system. As with any other kernel thread, work queues can sleep, invoke the scheduler and so on.

Normally, a default set of kernel threads handles work queues. One of these default kernel threads runs per processor, and these threads are named events/n where n is the processor number to which the thread is bound. For example, a uniprocessor machine would have only an events/0 kernel thread, whereas a dual-processor machine would have an events/1 thread as well.

It is possible, however, to run your work queues in your own kernel thread. Whenever your bottom half is activated, your unique kernel thread, instead of one of the default threads, wakes up and handles it. Having a unique work queue thread is useful only in certain performance-critical situations. For most bottom halves, using the default thread is the preferred solution. Nonetheless, we look at how to create new work queue threads later on.

The work queue threads execute your bottom half as a specific function, called a work queue handler. The work queue handler is where you implement your bottom half. Using the work queue interface is easy; the only hard part is writing the bottom half (that is, the work queue handler).

The Work Queue Interface

The first step in using work queues is creating a work queue structure. The work queue structure is represented by struct work_struct and defined in linux/workqueue.h. Thankfully, one of two different macros makes the job of creating a work queue structure easy. If you want to create your work queue structure statically (say, as a global variable), you can declare it directly with:

DECLARE_WORK(name, function, data)

This macro creates a struct work_struct and initializes it with the given work queue handler, function. Your work queue handler must match the following prototype:

void my_workqueue_handler(void *arg)

The arg parameter is a pointer passed to your work queue handler by the kernel each time it is invoked. It is specified by the data parameter in the DECLARE_WORKQUEUE() macro. By using a parameter, device drivers can use a single work queue handler for multiple work queues. The data parameter can be used to distinguish between work queues.

If you do not want to create your work queue structure directly but instead dynamically, you can do that too. If you have only indirect reference to the work queue structure, say, because you created it with kmalloc(), you can initialize it using:

INIT_WORK(p, function, data)

In this case, p is a pointer to a work_struct structure, function is the work queue handler and data is the lone argument the kernel passes to it on invocation.

Creating the work queue structure normally is done once—for example, in your driver's initialization routine. The kernel uses the work queue structure to keep track of the various work queues on the system. You need to keep track of the structure, because you will need it later.

Your Work Queue Handler

Basically, your work queue handler can do whatever you want. It is your bottom half, after all. The only stipulation is that the handler's function fits the correct prototype. Because your work queue handler runs in process context, it can sleep if needed.

So you have a work queue data structure and a work queue handler—how do you schedule it to run? To queue a given work queue handler to run at the kernel's earliest possible convenience, invoke the following function, passing it your work queue structure:

int schedule_work(struct work_struct *work)

This function returns nonzero if the work was successfully queued; on error, it returns zero. The function can be called from either process or interrupt context.

Sometimes, you may not want the scheduled work to run immediately, but only after a specified period has elapsed. In those situations, use:

int schedule_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work,
                          unsigned long delay)

In this case, the work queue handler associated with the given work queue structure will not run for at least delay jiffies. For example, if you have a work queue structure named my_work and you wish to delay its execution for five seconds, call:

schedule_delayed_work(&my_work, 5*HZ)

Normally, you would schedule your work queue handler from your interrupt handler, but nothing stops you from scheduling it from anywhere you want. In normal practice, the interrupt handler and the bottom half work together as a team. They each perform a specific share of the duties involved in processing a device's interrupt. The interrupt handler, as the top half of the solution, usually prepares the remaining work for the bottom half and then schedules the bottom half to run. You conceivably can use work queues for jobs other than bottom-half processing, however.

Work Queue Management

When you queue work, it is executed when the worker thread next wakes up. Sometimes, you need to guarantee in your kernel code that your queued work has completed before continuing. This is especially important for modules, which need to ensure any pending bottom halves have executed before unloading. For these needs, the kernel provides a function to wait on all work pending for the worker thread:

void flush_scheduled_work(void)

Because this function waits on all pending work for the worker thread, it might take a relatively long time to complete. While waiting for the worker threads to finish executing all pending work, the call sleeps. Therefore, you must call this function only from process context. Do not call it unless you truly need to ensure that your scheduled work is executed and no longer pending.

This function does not flush any pending delayed work. If you scheduled the work with a delay, and the delay is not yet up, you need to cancel the delay before flushing the work queue:

int cancel_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work)

In addition, this function cancels the timer associated with the given work queue structure—other work queues are not affected. You can call cancel_delayed_work() only from process context because it may sleep. It returns nonzero if any outstanding work was canceled; otherwise, it returns zero.

Creating New Worker Threads

In rare cases, the default worker threads may be insufficient. Thankfully, the work queue interface allows you to create your own worker threads and use those to schedule your bottom-half work. To create new worker threads, invoke the function:

struct workqueue_struct *
create_workqueue(const char *name)

For example, on system initialization, the kernel creates the default queues with:

keventd_wq = create_workqueue("events");

This function creates all of the per-processor worker threads. It returns a pointer to a struct workqueue_struct, which is used to identify this work queue from other work queues (such as the default one). Once you create the worker thread, you can queue work in a fashion similar to how work is queued with the default worker thread:

int queue_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,
               struct work_struct *work)

Here, wq is a pointer to the specific work queue that you created using the call to create_workqueue(), and work is a pointer to your work queue structure. Alternatively, you can schedule work with a delay:

queue_delayed_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,
                   struct work_struct *work,
                   unsigned long delay)

This function works the same as queue_work(), except it delays the queuing of the work for delay jiffies. These two functions are analogous to schedule_work() and schedule_delayed_work(), except they queue the given work into the given work queue instead of the default one. Both functions return nonzero on success and zero on failure. Both functions may be called from both interrupt and process context.

Finally, you may flush a specific work queue with the function:

void flush_workqueue(struct workqueue_struct *wq)

This function waits until all queued work on the wq work queue has completed before returning.


The work queue interface has been a part of the kernel since 2.5.41. In that time, a large number of drivers and subsystems have made it their method of deferring work. But is it the right bottom half for you? If you need to run your bottom half in process context, a work queue is your only option. Furthermore, if you are considering creating a kernel thread, a work queue may be a better choice. But what if you do not need a bottom half that can sleep? In that case, you may find tasklets are a better choice. They also are easy to use, but they do not run in a kernel thread. Because they are not run in process context, no context switch overhead is associated with their execution; therefore, they may offer you less overhead.

Work Queue Function Reference

Statically create a work queue structure:

DECLARE_WORK(name, function, data)

Dynamically initialize a work queue structure:

INIT_WORK(p, function, data)

Create a new worker thread:

struct workqueue_struct
*create_workqueue(const char *name)

Destroy a worker thread:

destroy_workqueue(struct workqueue_struct *wq)

Queue work to a given worker thread:

queue_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,
           struct work_struct *work)

Queue work, after the given delay, to the given worker thread:

queue_delayed_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,
                   struct work_struct *work,
                   unsigned long delay)

Wait on all pending work on the given worker thread:

flush_workqueue(struct workqueue_struct *wq)

Schedule work to the default worker thread:

schedule_work(struct work_struct *work)

Schedule work, after a given delay, to the default worker thread:

schedule_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work,
                      unsigned long delay)

Wait on all pending work on the default worker thread:


Cancel the given delayed work:

cancel_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work)

Robert Love is a kernel hacker involved in various projects. He is a mathematics and computer science student at the University of Florida and a kernel engineer at MontaVista Software. He can be reached at

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