Final Voting in 2005 Readers' Choice Awards

by LJ Staff

The final round of voting in the 2005 Linux Journal Readers' Choice awards begins today, June 30. The official final ballot is available here.

The final ballot is based on the results of two previous rounds of open voting, in which write-in votes were accepted in every category. The top two vote-getters in each category have made it to the final ballot. In categories were the vote totals were close, an additional one or two nominees also made it to the official ballot.

As with previous rounds, final round voting is taking place by e-mail. The official ballot contains rules for how to vote for your favorite in each category. We require plain text e-mail for votes, so no HTML or attachments. Send your completed ballots to

We are taking reasonable precautions to make sure there's only one vote per e-mail address. We are going to count the last vote per address, so if you make a mistake, simply send in a new version.

The deadline for voting in the final round is July 28, 2005. So click here to access the final ballot, choose your favorites and mail the ballot back to us at

The winners of the 2005 Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards will be announced in the November 2005 issue of the magazine.

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