April Fool's BeOS Roundup
on April 3, 2008
Tuesday was an insane amount of fun here at BeOS Linux Journal. If you missed the shenanigans, don't worry, most of the silliness is still here, just not on the front page. Here's a quick list of the stories. I think my personal favorite was the rumor about Sony buying BeOS. :) Enjoy:
- Here's a screenshot of the main page, BeOS Journal style...
- Video explaining the editorial shift
- Go Purple for Pentium Pro
- BeOS - The King of Recycling
- Antiquated Hardware Revitalized, Not Happy
- Bloggers are Bonkers for BeOS!
- BeOS Cluster Goes Live
- Sony Rumored to Buy BeOS
- NYC Subways Embed BeOS
- Operating System Programmers Flock to BeOS
- BeOS Journal, Optimized for Net Positive
- AMD Scrambles to Supply BeOS Bonanza
- As We Speak: Britney Spears & Linux
- It's a Wild Day here at BeOS Journal News
- Marcel Gagne Switches to Windows
- No More Funny Business
There is still one BeOS Journal feature that will be sticking with us for the long haul, and that's the Linux Journal IRC channel. A handful of staff members, along with a smattering of readers are usually online. Stop in and have a chat with us. The channel details are:
#linuxjournal on irc.freenode.net
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use the Java based client hosted here. Hope to see you there!