
The "From Mac to Linux" Issue

What you are reading right now is a Linux magazine—with a focus on Apple computers running macOS. (Or MacOS. Or however Apple is doing the capitalization nowadays.) I know, it's weird. It's extremely weird—like cats and dogs living together weird. But we're not here to bash on Apple. Neither are we here to sing praises to those down in Cupertino.

Hello Again, Linux

My first MacBook was the first computer I really loved, but I wasn't happy about the idea of buying a new one. I decided it's important to live your values and to support groups that value the things you do.

Paragon Software Group's Paragon ExtFS for Mac

Ever more Mac aficionados are discovering the virtues of Linux, especially when their older hardware can experience a renaissance. One annoying barrier to dual-boot nirvana is filesystem incompatibility, whereby the Linux side can access the Mac side, but Apple's macOS doesn't support Linux drives at all—not even in read-only mode.

Non-Linux FOSS: Homebrew

I use OS X quite often during my day job. I'm able to tolerate it largely due to the terminal. If I couldn't do my work with green text on a black background, I think I'd go crazy (or crazier). Unfortunately, OS X doesn't come with all the command-line tools I need. That's where Homebrew comes in to save the day.

Non-Linux FOSS: libnotify, OS X Style

One of the things I dislike about using Irssi in a terminal window on OS X is that I often miss the screen flash when someone mentions my name in IRC. With some fancy SSH tunneling (maybe more on that some other issue) and a really cool pop-up notification tool, if someone mentions my name, I can't miss it.

Non-Linux FOSS: Telephone

Whether you're trying to use Google Voice and a free SIP service to get a free telephone system or trying to connect to your company's internal phone system, if you're on a Mac, you need a SIP client. A few free options exist, but none are as simple as Alexei Kuznetsov's Telephone.