LinuxFest Northwest 2006 Call For Presenters
The organizers of LinuxFest Northwest now are accepting proposals for
presentations to be given at this year's event, to be held Saturday,
April 29, in Bellingham, Washington.
Event organizers are looking for proposals on all aspects of Linux and
open-source technology. Both introductory lectures and advanced
discussions are welcome on topics such as
software development, databases, server applications, networking and
system administration. Those using Linux and open-source applications
also are invited to speak about their experiences and lessons learned.
Ninety-minute lecture slots are available during the event. Presenters
are asked to speak
for 45 to 60 minutes, leaving the rest of the time for a question and answer
session. A DHCP network connection to the Internet will be available for
each presentation (bring your own network cables). An overhead
1024x768 60Hz video projector may be available upon request.
Proposal applications are due by April 1, 2006.
For more details about submitting a proposal, visit the
Northwest Web site.