Linux Journal Contents #54, October 1998

by Staff
Linux Journal Contents #54, October 1998

Linux Journal Issue #54/October 1998


  • Linux in an Embedded Communications Gateway  by Greg Herlein
    This article describes a communications gateway system, why Linux was chosen for the implementation and why Linux is an excellent choice for similar gateways.
  • PIC Programming with Linux  by Brian C. Lane
    Mr. Lane has written a program called picprg to enable you to easily program a PIC microcontroller.
  • Active Badges—The Next Generation  by Igor Bokun and Krzysztof Zielinski
    Implementing a software location system as a Linux embedded application results in a robust, efficient and inexpensive system.
  • The Future of Linux  by Greg Roelofs
    An informal report on the panel discussion held in Santa Clara on July 14.

News & Articles



  • Embperl: Modern Templates  by Reuven M. Lerner
    Mr. Lerner introduces us to a template system for Perl: what it is, how it works and how to use it.


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