Linux Journal Contents #72, April 2000

by Staff
Linux Journal Contents #72, April 2000

Linux Journal Issue #72/April 2000



  • The Linux Home Network  by Preston F. Crow
    Everything you need to know to make those Internet and intranet connections at home.
  • Assessing the Security of Your Web Applications  by Nalneesh Gaur
    This article outlines key test areas to identify security issues in a web application and provide measures to minimize them.
  • Setting Up a Linux Gateway  by Lawrence Teo
    Setting up a Linux gateway can be a rewarding experience in both home and commercial environments.
  • Linux and the Next Generation Internet  by Stan McClellan, Michael Stricklen and Bob Cummings
    This article describes the authors' implementation of a demonstration environment for differentiated Internet services (DiffServ) using Linux-based routers.
  • Eid Eid, OE/ONE Corporation  by Marjorie Richardson
    Internet appliances are the next wave of computers to be bought by the public. Mr. Eid tells us how his company is serving this market.





Strictly On-Line

  • Web Analysis Using Analog  by Gaelyne R. Gasson
    Every web site needs a way to get accurate statitics—here's a freely available program to give you that information.
  • Shell Functions and Path Variables, part 2  by Stephen Collyer
    Mr. Collyer continues his discussion with a detailed description of the addpath function.
  • The Generation Gap  by Brian Marshall
    This paper examines the issues involved with the use of open-source software components in closed-source applications.
  • Enlightenment Basics  by Michael J. Hammel
    A guide to getting and installing Enlightenment.
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