Best Domain Registrar
This week's category is domain registrars—see who wins!
Here's the breakdown:
- Namecheap: 22%
- Gandi 17%
- GoDaddy 11%
Namecheap is an independent domain registrar founded in 2000 by Richard Kirkendall. He launched it with the idea that "the average people of the internet deserved value-priced domains and stellar service." Now with more than 5 million domains under its management, Namecheap has become a leader in both the budget-domain and web-hosting spaces. No hidden fees and a general sense of honesty and transparency from Namecheap are reasons cited by Linux Journal readers for their devotion to the company.
Who to watch for: Gandi, in a close second place, comes in as another favorite. Linux Journal reader Mathieu T. commented, "I am currently moving everything to GANDI. Easy to use and clear interface, and a reactive support."
Be sure to check back and vote in the next poll!