Buddy Platform Limited's Parse on Buddy Service
With Facebook's Parse mobile back end as a service shutting down, developers are in a bind. The vise is squeezing tighter since the open-source Parse Server product released by Facebook, asserts Buddy Platform Limited, was not designed to support high volume, commercial-grade apps from organizations seeking the breadth of the original platform.
To solve this issue and facilitate an easy migration path to a robust alternative, Buddy launched an enterprise-grade Parse service offering called Parse on Buddy. Parse on Buddy's developer says that its solution is closest to the original Parse service, including many features not part of the Parse Server codebase released to the Open Source community (for example, cloud code, multiple apps per account support, PPNS, file storage and more).

Parse on Buddy was designed to be as familiar to developers as possible, right down to using the same pricing model. It also features an easy three-step migration process for apps still on the original Parse service that requires only a small change to a mobile app's codebase and no remapping of APIs or other new code.