Thanks to Gary, N7GK for the email trail on the current locations of LinFBB, the port of F6FBB packet bulletin board system.
Bernard, F6BVP reports the tarball is available on his site (thanks for that), and Jerry, N9LYA reports that it is available in the great FTP repo at Funet
Bob, WD9EKA reports some issues with LinFBB under Ubuntu causing processor consumption on v7.04, but success on Debian 4.
If anyone is running LinFBB on more modern kernel/distributions, please let us know. Gary is using it for Skywarn reporting and the old box he has been running it on failed the National Weather Service's security review this year, so he was forced to upgrade.
On a similar note, I would be interested to know how people are integrating existing Linux tools, such as mail with packet systems and what sort of tools are available out of the box.