Listing 3. Unix->DOS text file converter
#!/usr/bin/scm -f
;;; load in the line-oriented I/O package
(require `line-i/o)
(require `common-list-functions)
(define (main . argv)
;; read & write lines until EOF is reached
(do ((line (read-line) (read-line)))
((eof-object? line) #t)
(display (chomp line))
(display #\return)
(display #\newline)))
;; return #t if the character is either a carriage
;; return or a newline
(define (lineterm? char)
(case char
((#\newline #\return) #t)
(else #f)))
[start block emphasis]
;; remove all carriage returns and newlines from
;; the end of a string and return the new string
(define (chomp string)
(list->string (remove-if lineterm? (string->list string))))
[end block emphasis]