Listing 1. Sample of a Complete SISAL Application
% heatflow-compute the temperature evolution in a rod
define heatflow
type onec = array[character];
type onei = array[integer];
type oner = array[real];
global cdfcreate(filename: onec; seq: integer; comment: onec; returns integer)
global cdfputdim(fh: integer; dimname: onec; dsize: integer;
returns integer, integer)
global cdfputrvar(fh: integer; varname: onec; dimlist: onei;
data: oner; returns integer)
global cdfclose(fh: integer; returns integer)
function heatflow(nx, nt: integer; returns integer)
% do loop over time
temp := for initial
it := 0;
% initialize the temperature distribution
temp0 := array_fill(0 ,nx, 0.);
temp1 := temp0[nx/2: 1.];
while (it < nt) repeat
% time step the temperature
otemp1 := old temp1;
it := old it + 1;
temp1 := for ix in 0,nx
temp2 := if (ix = 0 | ix = nx) then
0. % keep the rod at temp = 0 on ends
0.5*otemp1[ix] + 0.25*(otemp1[ix-1] + otemp1[ix + 1])
end if;
array of temp2
end for;
value of catenate temp1
end for;
% define x and time dimensions
x := for ix in 0,nx
array of real(ix)
end for;
time := for it in 0,nt
array of real(it)
end for;
% write the NetCDF file--x iterates most rapidly since
% it is the inner loop, so x dimension should be last
fh1 := cdfcreate("", -1, "Temperature
distribution in rod\n");
dhtime, fh2 := cdfputdim(fh1, "time", nt + 1);
dhx, fh3 := cdfputdim(fh2, "x", nx + 1);
fh4 := cdfputrvar(fh3, "time", array[0: dhtime], time);
fh5 := cdfputrvar(fh4, "x", array[0: dhx], x);
fh6 := cdfputrvar(fh5, "temperature", array[0: dhtime, dhx], temp);
result := cdfclose(fh6);
result % return the dummy result so the NetCDF routines will be run
end let
end function