1 <application name='windowmanagershortcuts' expr='windowmanagershortcuts'> <![CDATA[ 2 INCLUDE "numbers.bnf" 3 <direction> = up -> &Up; |down -> &Down; |left -> &Left; |right -> &Right; . 4 <<root>> = last window -> <key char='\\t' alt='true'/> 5 | next window -> <key char='\\t' alt='true' shift='true'/> 6 | insert e mail -> <key char='rob@smeg\.com'/> 7 | move to view port {1|2|3|4|5} -> <key char='&F{1};' alt='true'/> 8 | go {<direction>} {<raw-number>} -> <repeat count='{2}'> <key char='{1}'/></repeat> 9 | click button -> <mouse button='1' action='click' /> 10 | double click button -> <mouse button='1' action='double click'/> 11 | move mouse {<raw-number>} left -> <mouse origin='relative' x='-{1}' y='0' /> 12 | move mouse {<raw-number>} right -> <mouse origin='relative' x='{1}' y='0' /> 13 | move mouse {<raw-number>} {(up -> -|down -> +)} -> <mouse origin='relative' x='0' y='{2}{1}' /> 14 | move mouse to {<raw-number>} by {<raw-number>} -> <mouse origin='root' x='{1}' y='{2}' /> 15 | close window -> <mouse origin='window' x='5' y='-5' button='1' action='click'/> 16 | x term -> <call command='gnome-terminal' /> 17 | mozilla -> <call command='/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla' /> 18 | pine -> <call expr='Pine' command='gnome-terminal -t "Pine" -e "pine"' /> 19 | play music -> <call command='xmms -p' /> 20 | next song -> <call command='xmms -f' /> 21 | previous song -> <call command='xmms -r' /> 22 | stop music -> <call command='xmms -v' /> 23 . ]]> </application>