Linux Journal Contents #11, March 1995
on March 1, 1995
Linux Journal Issue #11/March 1995
The Humble Beginnings of Linux
by Randolph Bentson
A reflection of the early days of Linux. -
Review of Scilab
by Robert Dalrymple
Introduction to LINCKS
by Martin Sjölin
A hypertext-style database with “groupware” features. -
Introducing Scheme
by Robert Sanders
An extensible language that is easy to debug and easy to develop.
News & Articles
Linux Events
Pentiums and Non-Pentiums
by Phil Hughes
What's Gnu?
by Arnold Robbins
Installing Linux via NFS
by Greg Hankins
Questions From the OSW Booth
by Kim Johnson
Product Review BRU
by Jon Freivald
Book Review Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
by Phil Hughes
Book Review Your Internet Consultant
by Phil Hughes
Letters to the Editor
Stop the Presses Reader Survery Response
by Phil Hughes
From the Editor Linux In Amsterdam
by Michael K. Johnson
Take Command The rm Command
by Phil Hughes
Linux Means Business Remote Data Gathering with Linux
by Grant Edwards
New Products
System Administration How to Log Friends and Influence People
by Mark Komarinski
Kernel Korner Block Device Drivers
by Michael K. Johnson