Linux Journal Contents #46, February 1998

by Staff
Linux Journal Contents #46, February 1998

Linux Journal Issue #46/February 1998


News & Articles

  • Linux Network Programming, Part 1: BSD Sockets  by Ivan Griffin and John Nelson
    This is the first of a series of articles about how to devlop networked applications using the various interfaces available on Linux.
  • Linux Helps Bring Titanic to Life  by Darryl Strauss and Wook
    First article in a two part series on using Linux for visual effects in “Titanic”. This article will focus on the technical aspects of the project.
  • The Quick Start Guide to the GIMP, Part Four  by Michael J. Hammel
    Our series winds up with a detailed description of the toolbox, plug-ins and keyboard acceleration.
  • A Partner's Survival Guide  by Telsa Gwynne
    A view of life with a hacker brought to us by a mischievous spouse who should know—Ms. Gwynne is married to Alan Cox.
  •  by Craig Oda
    Tokyo Linux Users Group Grows Up



  • Web Counting with mSQL and Apache  by Randy Jay Yarger
    Learn all about Apache modules and mSQL programming using a web counting program as an example.
  • Linux Works for Me and You  by Maan Bsat
    A high school student tells us about using Linux as a server at school, at home and at work.
  • At the Forge   Attaching Files to Forms  by Reuven M. Lerner
    Mr. Lerner shows us a way to use file elements to allow web site visitors to upload information or program files to the site.


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