Linux Journal Contents #186, October 2009

by Staff
Linux Journal Contents #186, October 2009

Linux Journal Issue #186/October 2009

When it comes to hacking nobody does it like an OSS hacker does. An OSS hacker is a real "hacker" and not a "cracker". This month's focus is "Hack This/Programming Hacks". First up on the hacking plate, and on the cover: Coreboot. Coreboot is meant to displace one of the most intransigent pieces of proprietary software: your motherboard BIOS. Next up is a bit of FPGA programming. Then comes some simple O/S development using KVM to learn your first steps. And if you're an Android drooler, find out where you can put it. In the "unfocused" part of the magazine you'll find our normal offerings on things such as Spam-Fighting, OpenGL/Clutter, Laptop Hardening, RSpec, HTop, Open Cubic Player, and at least a zillion other things.




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