Linux Journal Contents #189, January 2010
on January 1, 2010
Linux Journal Issue #189/January 2010
You say potato, I say potahto, you say ham, I say amateur... you see where I'm going with this? Ok, maybe not, Amateur Radio, that's where and that's what this month's issue focus is. What you might ask is the connection between Amateur Radio and Linux? Well Linux may be the only O/S out there with an AX.25 packet radio protocol driver, and it's had it since forever. So blow the dust off your license and start reading. If Ham's not your favorite food, don't despair there are plenty of other articles in this month's issue including, but not limited to, Firewall Builder, Cucumber, Vimperator, port knocking with knockd, building appliances with Linux and Xen, and using Twitter from the command line.
An Amateur Radio Survival Guide for Linux users
by Dan Smith
A getting-started guide for Linux users looking to venture into the world of Amateur Radio. -
Xastir—Open-Source Client for the Automatic Packet Reporting System
by Curt E. Mills, Steve Stroh and Laura Shaffer Mills
Plotting Mars Rover locations on a detailed map, easily done with Linux? You bet! -
Rolling Your Own with Digital Amateur Radio
by Gary L. Robinson
Amateur Radio and open source—a heavenly match.
What's New in Firewall Builder 3.0
by Vadim Kurland
Get GUIed and forget about iptables and its brethren. -
Implement Port-Knocking Security with knockd
by Federico Kereki
They can't get in if they can't find the door. -
Simple Virtual Appliances with Linux and Xen
by Matthew Hoskins
Appliances, not just in the kitchen anymore.
Reuven M. Lerner's At the Forge
Dave Taylor's Work the Shell
Listening to Your Twitter Stream
Mick Bauer's Paranoid Penguin
Linux Security Challenges 2010
Kyle Rankin's Hack and /
Dr hjkl Meets the Vimperator
Dirk Elmendorf's Economy Size Geek
Who Goes There? Adventures in Amateur Security
Kyle Rankin and Bill Childers'
Education vs. Experience
Doc Searls' EOF
Now Data Gets Personal