Live CD distributions
Boot and run Linux without installing to your hard drive, so you can try Linux without losing any data from your existing OS.
Distributions most mentioned in Linux Journal
- Debian GNU/Linux
- Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat
- Gentoo Linux
- Mandriva Linux
- MEPIS Linux
- PCLinuxOS
- Red Hat Enterprise
- Rock Linux
- Slackware Linux
- SUSE Linux
- Turbolinux
- Ubuntu and other flavors including Kubuntu which is based on the K Desktop Environment, Edubuntu aimed at classroom use, and Xubuntu which is lighter on system requirements and runs on the Xfce Desktop Environment
Can't decide which distribution is right for you? See LJ's How to Pick a Distribution for some help. There you'll learn about important factors to consider in order to avoid incompatibilities, high maintenance and lack of support.