7th Annual 2010 High Performance Computing

Roosevelt Hotel at Grand Central Station
New York, NY

The 7th Annual 2010 High Performance Computing will assemble 800 Wall Street IT executives to see High Performance Computing, Low Latency, Cloud, Virtualization, Grid systems to increase speed and profits, reduce cost and increase agility and performance.

Major sponsors include Microsoft, IBM, Intel, HP, Cisco, Blade, Arista, Red Hat, Corvil, Solace, Forsythe, Fulcrum Microsystems, Fujitsu, SGI, Super Micro Computer, Appro, ScaleMP, among others.

Register today for the free Show online at: www.flaggmgmt.com/hpc

Low cost Conference is available at $295 in advance for the full day's program including the industry luncheon. Register online at: www.flaggmgmt.com/hpc