Making Root Unprivileged

by Serge Hallyn

There was a time when, to use a computer, you merely turned it on and were greeted by a command prompt. Nowadays, most operating systems offer a security model with multiple users. Typically, the credentials you present at login determine the amount of privilege that programs acting upon your behalf will have. Everyday tasks can be accomplished using unprivileged userids, minimizing the risks due to user error, accidental execution of malware downloaded from the Internet and so on. Any program needing to exercise privilege must be executed using a privileged userid. In UNIX, that is userid 0, the root user. Unfortunately, this means any software needing even just a bit of privilege can lead to a complete system compromise should it misbehave or be attacked successfully.

POSIX capabilities address this problem in two ways. First, they break the notion of all-or-nothing privilege into a set of semantically distinct privileges. This can limit the amount of privilege a task may have, so that, for example, it only is able to create devices or trace another users' tasks.

Second, the notion of privilege is separated from userids. Instead, privilege is wielded by the files (programs) a process executes. After all, users sitting at the keyboard just invoke programs to run on their behalf. It is the programs that actually do something. And, it is the programs that an administrator may entrust with privilege, based on knowledge of what the program does, who wrote it and who installed it.

POSIX capabilities have been implemented in Linux for years, but until recently, Linux supported only process capabilities. Because files are supposed to wield privilege, the lack of file capabilities meant that Linux required workarounds to allow administrators and system services to run with privilege. The POSIX capability rules were perverted to emulate a privileged root user.

Although file capabilities are now supported, the privileged root user remains the norm. In this article, I demonstrate a lazy prototype of a system with an unprivileged root.

POSIX Capabilities Overview

Each process has three capability sets:

  • The effective set (pE) contains the capabilities it can use right now.

  • The permitted set (pP) contains those that it can add back into its effective set.

  • The inheritable set (pI) is used to determine its new sets when it executes a new file.

Files also have effective (fE), permitted (pP) and inheritable (fI) sets used to calculate the new capability sets of a process executing it.

At any time, a process can use cap_set_proc() to remove capabilities from any of the three sets.

Capabilities can be added to the effective set only if they are currently in its permitted set. They never can be added to the permitted set. And, they can be added to the inheritable set only if they are in the permitted set or if CAP_SETPCAP is in pE. When a process executes a new file, its new capability sets are calculated as follows:

  • The inheritable set remains unchanged.

  • The new permitted set is filled with both the file permitted set (masked with a bounding set, but for this article, I assume that always is full) and any capabilities present in both the file and process inheritable sets.

  • Capabilities in the file permitted set will be available to the new process—an example use for this is the ping program. Ping needs only the capability CAP_NET_RAW in order to craft raw network packets. It is typically setuid-root, so all users can run it. By placing CAP_NET_RAW in ping's permitted set, all users will receive CAP_NET_RAW while running ping.

  • Capabilities in the file inheritable set are available to a process only if they also are in the process inheritable set—an example of this would be to allow some users to renice other user's tasks. Simply arrange (as I explain a bit) for CAP_SYS_NICE to be placed in their pI on login, as well as in fI for /usr/bin/renice. Now, ordinary users can run renice without privilege, and the “special” users can run renice, but no other programs, with CAP_SYS_NICE.

  • The effective set is by default empty, or, if the legacy bit is set (see The File Effective Set, aka the Legacy Bit sidebar), it is set to the new permitted set.

The File Effective Set, aka the Legacy Bit

Linux has an unfortunate discrepancy between the setcap command API and what it actually does. Although setcap expects the user to define a file effective set, the kernel simply knows about a “legacy bit”. Practically speaking, if the file effective set is empty, the legacy bit is not set. If all bits in the file permitted and inheritable sets are in the effective set, the legacy bit is set. If only a subset of those bits are in the effective set, setcap will return an error.

The reasoning for the setcap API command is that Linux is loathe to change userspace APIs. The reason for using the legacy bit is that we want to encourage applications to begin with an empty effective set if they are capability-aware. Hence, the file effective set should be empty unless the application is not capability-aware. But if the application is not capability-aware, all capabilities available to it must be in its effective set from the start.

The Privileged Root

As mentioned previously, Linux continues to emulate a privileged root user. This is done by perverting the capabilities behavior of exec() and setuid(). Briefly, if your effective userid is 0 when you execute a file, or if you execute a setuid root file, your permitted and effective sets are filled. If only your “real” userid is 0 (for instance, a root-owned process executes a setuid-nonroot file), only your permitted set is filled. When you change part of your userid from root to nonroot, your effective capability set is cleared. When you permanently change your userid from root to nonroot, your permitted set is cleared as well. And, if you switch your effective userid back to root, your permitted set is copied back into your effective set.

This behavior is controlled by a per-process set of securebits. One controls the setuid() behavior, and another controls the exec() behavior. They can be turned on using prctl(), and they can be locked such that neither the task nor its descendants can turn the bits back off.

System Preparation

In order to exploit POSIX capabilities fully, both kernel and userspace must be set up properly. The easiest and safest way to experiment with such core changes is to do so in a virtual machine. Although everything shown here could just as well be done on your native Linux installation, for simplicity, I assume you are installing a minimal, stock Fedora system under qemu or kvm.

My first working prototype of a rootless system was done on a Gentoo system. Ubuntu Intrepid and SLES11 should come with file capabilities enabled. However, Fedora 10 wins as being the most capability-ready distribution to date, so I use it for this demonstration. To get started, download a Fedora 10 DVD from (call the file f10.iso), then create a qemu hard disk image and boot kvm using:

# qemu-img create f10.img 6G
# kvm -hda f10.img -cdrom f10.iso -m 512M -boot d

Then, proceed with the Fedora installation instructions. Make sure to install software development, and skip office and productivity tools for this image.

After rebooting, disable SELinux through the menu entries System→Administration→SELinux management. Change the top entry from Enforcing to Disabled, then reboot. Although there is no inherent reason why SELinux cannot be used with file capabilities, it does require some SELinux policy modifications.

Because you will be removing the root user's privilege, you'll want other users to receive ambient privileges at login. This is done using the PAM module. To enable its use, add the line:

auth required

to /etc/pam.d/system-auth. The order of these entries does matter, and improper order can prevent your entry from being used. I made it the second entry, after Now, test by creating a user with some privilege:

# adduser -m netadmin
# passwd netadmin
# for f in /sbin/ifconfig /sbin/ip /sbin/route; do
#   setcap cap_net_admin=ei $f
# done

The above creates user netadmin and sets his password, then adds the cap_net_admin capability to the inheritable and effective sets for three network configuration programs. If you now type ls /sbin/ifconfig, you'll notice the entry is marked in red. This is similar to how setuid binaries, such as /bin/ping, are marked, and it's a nice touch to let you easily tell which binaries ought to be treated with extra care or to detect mistaken privilege leakage.

You also must create the /etc/security/capability.conf file, which will consult on each login. The file should contain:

cap_net_admin netadmin
none *

The first line says that when user netadmin logs in, should add the cap_net_admin capability to pI for its login shell. The second line, which is very important, says that everyone else (*) should receive no capabilities. Now, log in as user netadmin and play with the network:

hallyn@kvm# su - netadmin
netadmin@kvm# ifconfig eth0 down

Success! You just downed the network as a nonroot user.

Now you're ready to make root unprivileged. As a first step, you will just restrict network logins over SSH. To make this as easy as possible, simply start sshd through a wrapper that sets and locks all securebits before calling the real sshd. The source for the wrapper is shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. Wrapper to Execute a Program with Unprivileged Root

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/capability.h>

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    int   i, ret;
    char  *cmd;
    char  **argvp;
    cap_t cap = cap_get_proc();
    int   v[CAP_LAST_CAP+1];

    if (!cap)
        return -1;

    for (i=0; i<=CAP_LAST_CAP; i++)
        v[i] = i;

    if (cap_set_flag(cap, CAP_INHERITABLE,
                     CAP_LAST_CAP+1, v, CAP_SET))
        return -1;

    if (cap_set_proc(cap))
        return -1;


    ret = prctl(PR_SET_SECUREBITS, 0xf);
    if (ret) {
        perror("prctl securebits");
    argvp = &argv[1];
    cmd   = argvp[0];
    ret   = execv(cmd, argvp);
    return ret;

The wrapper locks itself into secure_noroot and secure_nosuidfixup mode using the prctl() system call. Then, it executes its first argument (ssh), passing the remaining arguments to the newly executed program, ssh. Compile capwrap, and copy it into /sbin:

# gcc -o capwrap capwrap.c -lcap
# cp capwrap /sbin/

Then, edit /etc/init.d/sshd to execute capwrap. Find the start() function, and place /sbin/capwrap in front of the line that actually executes sshd. That line then becomes:

/sbin/capwrap $SSHD $OPTIONS && success || failure

Of course, sshd will require some privilege to change userid and groupid among other things. Being lazy, for now, just set all capabilities using the command:

hallyn@kvm# setcap all=ei /usr/sbin/sshd

If you try restarting sshd right now, you'll be met with a silent failure. Instead, try this to start it by hand and see debugging output:

hallyn@kvm# /etc/init.d/sshd stop
hallyn@kvm# /sbin/capwrap /usr/sbin/sshd -Dd

Among other things, you'll see:

debug1: permanently_set_uid: 74/74
permanently_set_uid: was able to restore old [e]gid

sshd is complaining that it is able to restore its uid after switching to uid 74 (the ssh userid). This is problematic. Because you locked ssh into nosuid_fixup mode, switching from uid 0 to a non-0 uid does not clear out pE automatically. This means the process keeps CAP_SETUID and CAP_SETGID, so it is able to reset itsuid to 0 at any time.

The right solution is to modify the sshd source to separate the privilege handling from the userid handling. But, for this experiment, let's just stop sshd from complaining! It is wrong, but perhaps not quite as bad as it seems, because when sshd executes the user's login shell, pP and pE will be recalculated anyway.

Download opensshd_caps.patch (see Resources), and use the following steps to apply the above patch:

# yum install audit-libs-devel tcp_wrappers-devel libedit-devel
# yumdownloader --source openssh
# rpm -i openssh-*.rpm
# cd /root/rpmbuild/
# rpmbuild -bc SPECS/openssh*
# cd BUILD/openssh-*/
# patch < /usr/src/opensshd_caps.patch
# make && make install
# setcap all=ei /usr/sbin/sshd
# /etc/init.d/sshd start

Now ssh in as root, and use capsh to print your capability status:

root@kvm# /sbin/capsh --print
Current: =
Bounding set =(full set of capabilities)
Securebits: 057/0x2f
secure-noroot: yes (locked)
secure-no-suid-fixup: yes (locked)
secure-keep-caps: no (unlocked)

SSH logins are locked in secure-noroot and secure-nosuid-fixup.

Setting Up Administrative Users

The root userid now carries no privileges, but the system still requires administration. That requires privilege. So, let's define several partially privileged users. At login, each will receive inheritable capabilities sufficient to achieve some task. Working out the most useful combinations of capabilities to assign to select users is an interesting exercise, but for now let's focus on three users: netadmin, which can change network settings; useradmin, which can add and delete users, kill their processes and modify their files; and privadmin, which can change file capabilities and users' inheritable capabilities.

Create the users:

# adduser -m privadmin
# passwd privadmin
# adduser -m useradmin
# passwd useradmin
# chown privadmin /etc/security/capability.conf

The new capability.conf file follows:

cap_net_admin netadmin
cap_chown,cap_dac_overide,cap_fowner,cap_kill useradmin
cap_setfcap privadmin
none *

privadmin may set file capabilities (cap_setfcap), so make him the owner of the capabilities.conf file, so he can set pI for users. useradmin can manipulate other users' files and processes. netadmin remains unchanged. (Note, privadmin can give himself whatever privilege he wants. A good audit policy and a limited tool for editing capability.conf would help mitigate that risk.)

You also need to set some inheritable file capabilities on system administration utilities to grant these users privilege. Listing 2 shows a small list to get started. For brevity, let's just assign all capabilities to the inheritable set. You can apply these using the script in Listing 3 using sh admincaplist. Finally, you'll need to let useradmin execute useradd using chmod o+x /usr/sbin/useradd.

Listing 2. File Capabilities to Empower Partially Privileged Admins


Listing 3. Script to Apply File Capabilities

for l in `cat $1`; do
    fglob=`echo $l | awk -F: '{ print $1 '}`
    p=`echo $l | awk -F: '{ print $2 '}`

    for f in `/bin/ls $flglob`; do
        setcap $p $f

Now, log in as each of these users and play around.

There are still a few problems though. For instance, log in as useradmin and try to change someone's password:

useradmin@kvm# passwd netadmin
passwd: Only root can specify a user name.

That's no good! The passwd program has noticed that you are not root and won't let you change another user's password. We are finding more and more code, written to accommodate the subtleties of different operating systems, which would now need to be further complicated to support our unprivileged-root model.

You can work around this case for now in one of two easy ways. First, you simply can use the root user instead of useradmin. The root user still will not carry privileges unless it executes a (trusted) file with file capabilities. Second, you can continue to use the useradmin user name, but give it userid 0. Go ahead and try that. Edit /etc/passwd.conf, find the entry for useradmin, and change the first numeric column to 0. Then chown -R 0 /home/useradmin, so that he still can access his home directory. Now, you can log out and back in, and passwd will succeed. Actually, it ends with an error message, but you'll find that you did actually succeed in changing the password.

Locking Down init

Now that you have some partially privileged administrative users, let's put the whole system in unprivileged-root mode. You could do this by patching the kernel, but in this case, let's patch init to use prctl() the same way that capwrap did. A patch to upstart, the Fedora init program, can be found in the Resources. You can apply it using steps similar to the openssh steps:

# yumdownloader --source upstart
# rpm -i upstart*.rpm
# cd rpmbuild
# rpmbuild -bc SPECS/upstart.spec
# cd BUILD/upstart*
# patch -p1 < /usr/src/upstart.patch
# cp /sbin/init /sbin/init.orig
# make && make install

Also, in case something goes wrong, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf, comment out hiddenmenu, and set timeout to 10 instead of 0. Now if something goes wrong, you can interrupt the boot process and add init=/sbin/init.orig to the end of your boot line.

The patched init enables all capabilities in its inheritable set. It also keeps its permitted and effective sets filled, although you should be able to drop many from its permitted set, keeping its effective set empty for most of its run. You will need to add file capabilities to many of the programs used during system startup. Ideally, you would modify each of these programs so as to avoid setting the legacy bit, but again this is a lazy proof of concept. Listing 4 contains a list that is sufficient for boot to succeed on the F10 image.

Listing 4. Capabilities Needed to Boot Fedora with Unprivileged Root


You can apply these with the same script as before (Listing 3).

You'll also need to execute:

chmod go-x /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon

You're giving it forced rather than inherited permissions in lieu of changing the (setuid-root) dbus-daemon-launch-helper code so as to fill its inheritable set. This means any user would receive full privilege when executing it, so you allow only root to execute it.


This article demonstrates taking a stock Fedora 10 system and changing the privilege system from one where one userid (root's) automatically imparts privilege, to one where only file capabilities determine the privilege available to a caller. The root user turns from a privileged user to simply the userid that happens to own most system resources.

You can remove the privileged root user for a whole system. In this experiment, quite a bit of work still needs to be done to make that practical, say, for a whole distribution. Most important, legacy code makes assumptions based on userids. Setting up partially privileged users make system administration convenient, while making the privilege separation useful will be an interesting project.

In the meantime, you can exploit the per-process nature of the unprivileged-root mode. This article shows how to remove the privileged root user from any legacy software that always is intended to be unprivileged. You also should design new services to be capability-aware so that they too can run without a privileged root. Doing so can greatly reduce the impact of any bugs or exploits.


opensshd_caps.patch and upstart.patch are available at

Serge Hallyn does Linux kernel and security coding with the IBM Linux Technology Center, mostly working with containers, application migration, POSIX capabilities and SELinux.

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