Bunpei Yorifuji's Wonderful Life of the Elements (No Starch Press)

Two characteristics that make us geeks are our erogenous zone for enjoyment of scientific elegance and our genetic disposition to admire the quirky. Both tendencies will find fulfillment from Bunpei Yorifuji's new book Wonderful Life of the Elements: The Periodic Table Personified, an illustrated guide to the periodic table that gives chemistry a friendly face. In this super periodic table, Japanese artist Yorifuji brilliantly gives every element a unique character whose properties are represented visually: heavy elements are fat, man-made elements are robots and noble gases sport impressive afros. Every detail is significant, from the length of an element's beard to the clothes on its back. Readers also learn about each element's discovery, its common uses and other vital stats like whether it floats—or explodes—in water. Why bother trudging through a traditional periodic table? (Though, of course, we would and we do.) In this periodic paradise, the elements are people too. And once you've met them, you'll never forget them.
