Best Distribution for Netbooks/Limited Hardware

What used to be a category full of very specific distributions designed for very specific screen sizes has become far more generic. That doesn't mean small screens aren't loved, it just means that standard Linux distributions consider the smaller screens in their design philosophies. Seeing Debian at the top is pretty cool, because it's more often seen as the "foundation" for another spin-off. It's also great to see Android on the list, as a large number of smaller devices are indeed tablets or their ilk.

  • Debian 13.1%

  • Arch Linux 12%

  • Ubuntu/Unity 10.6%

  • Android 10.4%

  • Other 10.1%*

  • Xubuntu 8.2%

  • Lubuntu 6.5%

  • Puppy 5.9%

  • Chrome OS 5.5%

  • Fedora 5.1%

  • PCLinuxOS 3.3%

  • Gentoo 2.6%

  • Slackware 2.2%

  • Manjaro 2.1%

  • Peppermint OS 1.3%

  • LXLE 1%

  • Wolvix .1%

*Popular write-ins: CrunchBang, SolydXK, Bodhi Linux, Linux Mint and elementary OS.

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