If its "Reign of Awesome" continues much longer, we're going to have to
rename this category "Best Linux Gadget That Isn't a Raspberry
Pi". The tiny
little ARM system blows everything else out of the water again this year.
And really, no one is surprised. Heck, Kyle Rankin and I are still writing
about the various uses we have for our Raspberry Pi units, and we were doing
that more than a year ago! The Google Chromecast took a fair number of non-RPi
votes in this category, making it clear that if you
haven't given the Chromecast a try, perhaps you should.
Raspberry Pi 68.3%
Google Chromecast 5.6%
Amazon Kindle DX 5.4%
BeagleBone/BeagleBoard 3.3%
Roku 3 3.1%
mintBox 2.9%
Other 2.6%
TomTom Navigation System 2.5%
Parallella Supercomputer 2.2%
GTA04 Upgrade Board for Openmoko 1.4%
Cubieboard 1.1%
Sony PRS T2 eReader 1%
RaZberry .3%
Gumstix .2%