Android Candy: Who Ya Gonna Call? Anyone!
I have a love/hate relationship with the contact manager on my phone. I absolutely love having all of that information available, and I love even more that it syncs with my Google contacts. What I don't love, however, is the cumbersome way you have to scroll around looking for who you want to call. Yes, I normally just look at my recent calls to find who I want, but it seems like there should be a better way to look at my contacts.
Enter Drupe. It feels a bit like a mix between a game and a standardized test's matching exercise. That might sound like an odd comparison, but Drupe makes it easy not only just to call, but also to communicate with contacts with a simple drag. Want to call Mom? Drag her face to the phone icon. Want to text your significant other? Drag his or her face to the SMS icon. (Okay, maybe "drag her face" sounds a bit violent.)

(Screenshot from
If you like a graphical, easy way to start communicating with your contacts, I urge you to give Drupe a try. It's completely free, supports a huge number of protocols, and it even offers free themes so you can change the way it looks.