Linux Journal Announces Winners of 2001 Editors' Choice Awards
SEATTLE, WA -- SSC Publications, publisher of the award-winning monthly magazine Linux Journal, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2001 Editors' Choice Awards.
The fourth annual Editors' Choice Awards recognizes outstanding achievements made in the Linux community during the past year. Entries for the awards were due October 1, 2001, at which time Linux Journal's editorial staff chose winners in each category.
The winners of the 2001 Editors' Choice Awards are:
For more information, see the complete story in the December 2001 issue of Linux Journal. If you would like to submit you or your company's products for next year's awards, please check this web page periodically for updates:
About Linux JournalLinux Journal is the premier Linux magazine, dedicated to serving the Linux community and promoting the use of Linux world-wide. A monthly periodical, Linux Journal is currently celebrating its seventh year of publication and and boasts a circulation of over 120,000. Linux Journal may be purchased at all major bookstores and newsstands and may also be ordered by calling 888-66-LINUX, sending e-mail to or visiting For additional information about Linux Journal send e-mail to
About the PublisherSSC Publications is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, publishing best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. Embedded Linux Journal, a sister publication of Linux Journal, is a bi-monthly controlled-circulation publication. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at
Media Relations Contact:
Rebecca Cassity, Marketing ManagerSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA, 98155Phone: +1 206-297-8653 / Fax: +1
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