Linux Journal Contents #9, January 1995
on January 1, 1995
Linux Journal Issue #9/January 1995
A Conversation with Linus Torvalds
by Belinda Frazier
Associate Publisher Belinda Frazier talks with Linux about the alpha port and getting ready for 1.2. -
Connecting Your Linux Box to the Internet
by Russell Ochocki
Need a faster connection? We lead you step-by-step throughthe hardware and software maze. -
Remote Network Commands
by Jens Hartmann
A guide to using rlogin, rcp, and rsh to transfer and manipulate data across a network.
News & Articles
Linux Development Grant Fund
Linux System Adminstration: Undelete Command
by Mark Komarinski
Book Review Unix Systems for Modern Architectures
by Randolph Bentson
Letters to the Editor
From the Editor
Stop the Presses An Amazing Year
by Phil Hughes
Linux in the Real World
by Vance Petree
New Products
Kernel Korner Block Device Drivers
by Michael K. Johnson