
Getting Started with Rust: Working with Files and Doing File I/O

How to develop command-line utilities in Rust. This article demonstrates how to perform basic file and file I/O operations in Rust, and also introduces Rust's ownership concept and the Cargo tool. If you are seeing Rust code for the first time, this article should provide a pretty good idea of how Rust deals with files and file I/O, and if you've used Rust before, you still will appreciate the code examples in this article.

Text Processing in Rust

Create handy command-line utilities in Rust. This article is about text processing in Rust, but it also contains a quick introduction to pattern matching, which can be very handy when working with text. Strings are a huge subject in Rust, which can be easily realized by the fact that Rust has two data types for representing strings as well as support for macros for formatting strings. However, all of this also proves how powerful Rust is in string and text processing.

Linux Journal October 2018: Programming

Welcome to the Programming issue, October 2018, of Linux Journal. This month we highlight programming languages new and old including Go, Rust, Clojure and Bash. Take a look at this month's complete line-up: Featured articles in this issue include: * Understanding Bash: Elements of Programming * Getting Started with Rust: Working with Files and Doing File I/O * Introductory Go Programming Tutorial * Creating Linux Command-Line Tools in Clojure